This book was written for you to evaluate your daily choices according to the Bible. Through a method of personal study of the Bible, you will discover how to be protected against the various postmodernity heresies. Be a real christian. Go back to the bible today and you will be transformed by the Word of God. This book is a real download bestseller in Brazil.
Going Back to the Bible
Cód: 4765 N1374697725722
Deivinson Bignon
Formato: 14 x 21 cm
Tipo de Capa: Capa cartão - brilho
Tipo de Acabamento: Brochura sem orelha
Tipo de Papel: Offset 75g
Cor: Preto e branco
Páginas: 120
Edição/Ano: 1 / 2013
Idioma: Inglês
Peso: 168
100% Seguro
Deivinson Bignon graduated in Literature (Literature and Portuguese) and is involved in the following activities: pastor of the First Evangelical Congregational Church of Gradim, teacher, lecturer and writer. He is married to Márcia Cristina.