Competition and Cooperation in Physical Education at Schools

Cód: 3222 N1441634076765

Autor: José Roberto Calçada Carvalho

Formato: 14 x 21 cm

Tipo de Capa: Capa cartão - brilho

Tipo de Acabamento: Brochura com orelha

Tipo de Papel: Offset 75g

Cor: Preto e branco

Páginas: 126

Edição/Ano: 1ª / 2015

Idioma: Inglês

Peso: 187

  • Pagamento

    100% Seguro


R$ 7,30

R$ 34,76

The book addresses the competitive and cooperative physical activities at schools, noting the sharp predominance of competition in relation to cooperation. By this reason, suggests a better balance between these two approaches as being socially healthy.

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Degree in Physical Education from "UGF" and Specialist in Physical Education for "UFF". Master in Adapted Physical Activities by the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and Palacky (Czech Republic). Strongly believes that the educational values can be stimulated by physical activities during the school life. Since 1997 coordinates a voluntary job called "Education for Self Esteem" (EPA !), which even involves students under special needs.

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